Mexican Vs Mediterranean Food

 Mexican food has placed itself on the top of the list when it comes to eating delicious, spicy, flavourful and colourful food that too on the go. But let us not underestimate the goodness of Mediterranean food as well. It has also made its mark in the world. But which to eat and which is better? You will get to know about this in this blog.

Mexican vs Mediterranean Food

Let us check this out! 

What is Special About Mediterranean Food? 

Mediterranean food is considered one of the healthiest cuisines in the world.  

Eating Mediterranean food means you eat fresh produce from the local farm like vegetables, green herbs, juicy fruits and bounty of summertime harvests. 

What is Special About Mediterranean Food

The ingredients used to make Mediterranean food are nutritious and healthy such as lean meat, seafood, whole grains, fruits, nuts, veggies and fatty acids such as olive oil. 

It is said that the Mediterranean diet helps in reducing risk factors for heart disease, cancer and other life- threatening health issues.  

Cooking Styles Used  

Baking and grilling are the most popular cooking styles used for Mediterranean cuisines. These techniques are great to cut down the fat intake in their diet.   

The food is not spicy but is very fragrant and subtle. A lot of warm spices, herbs such as cloves, pepper, coriander, basil, cumin, bay leaves, fennel, saffron and parley to name a few.   

What is Special About Mexican Food?

What is Special About Mexican Food

Mexican food is another popular cuisine. It can be spotted anywhere in the world. Even in Hong Kong, you can get to eat your favorite Mexican cuisine. Unlike Mediterranean food, Mexican food is spicy as it uses 100 varieties of chilies.


Some of the most common and regular Mexican dishes are burritos, tacos, empanadas, enchiladas or tamales. These are well-known around the globe. It means, if you crave anything like this, come over to La Vista in Hong Kong and you will get Mexican food items to choose from.   

If you love eating corn, then you will definitely like Mexican food because CORN is everywhere in Mexico. Apart from corn, different types of meat are also used in Mexican dishes like beef, pork, chicken, and lamb.  

Cooking Techniques for Mexican food  

Either the food will be grilled, stewed or roasted. Fresh veggies are added in the Mexican food so it makes it healthy and fibrous to eat.     

Mexican food is vibrant in looks and nutritious is an added quality.  

Difference Between Mediterranean Vs. Mexican food 

Let us look at the comparison: 

Mexican Food is Spicier Than Mediterranean  

Mexican food is known for being spicy because a lot of chilies and peppers are used in the fresh, powder or paste form. The spices do not only add flavour but also make it look vibrant.   

On the other hand, Mediterranean food is subtler and not spicy.   

Mexican Food is Cooked with Vegetable Oil or Lard,

Mediterranean Items are Cooked with Olive Oil 

Another difference lies in the cooking oil used to make both food items.  

If we talk about Mexico, different vegetable oils such as peanut, corn, canola, etc. are used. Many times, lard is also used in many traditional Mexican cooking.  

On the contrary, Mediterranean food is famous for its abundant source of olives. These dishes do not use just fruits but also olive oil in almost every dish. 

Mexican Food is Served with Corn Tortillas While Mediterranean is Served with Rice and Pita Bread 

Corns are staple in Mexican food items as well as other Latino cuisines. It is simply grounded into cornmeal to make corn tortillas. Corn kernels are often used in salads whereas Mediterranean cuisines use rice, whole-grain pita bread, and couscous.  

Similarities Between the Mediterranean and Mexican Food  

Despite a lot of differences, there are some similarities as well. Let us see: 

·      Mexican and Mediterranean Food are Made from a Variety of Fresh Ingredients 

Both cuisines use fresh ingredients. For instance, in daily meals, you will find beef, pork, lamb, chicken and other meat options. For seafood, you can have fish, salmon, shrimp, crab, prawns, lobster or even mussels. When vegetables, fruits, spices, and herbs, etc., are also added to make it even more yummy and finger licking.   

Salads are Staple in Both the Meals 

Normally, a big bowl of salad is served in the Mediterranean or Mexican diet that is enjoyed with other meat or other seafood dishes. 

The salads usually consist of tomatoes, bell peppers, onion, avocado, cucumber, corn kernels, spinach and beans. These ingredients make the meal very nutritious and colourful.    

Which One is Better? 

Both are good. One must taste every type of food whether it is Mexican or Mediterranean.  

If you want to relish Mexican in specificity, then come over to La Vista, the best Mexican restaurant in Hong Kong.  

La Vista offers a range of Mexican food items so, explore them and order from our menu.


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